
Delta (剑桥英语语言教师文凭)职业发展的绝佳途径!

        2019年4月12日,全国首期Delta Module2课程在General Plan IH Shanghai完美落幕!经过6周密集且高强度的面授和教学实践,来自上海、北京、青岛和长春的4名学员顺利完成了Delta Module2的培训。


        剑桥英语语言教师文凭Delta(Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)是全世界最知名、最受欢迎,含金量极高的对外英语教学资格证书之一, 亦被列入英国国家教学大纲标准。 处于任何职业阶段的教师都可以参加Delta,而对于希望掌握最新教学知识、提高教学水平的教师来说,Delta也是最理想的选择。


        *   CEFR 级别要求:介于C1 和C2 之间或以上 (例如:雅思7.5或者托福105)

        *   剑桥CELTA或同等学历证明(例如:Trinity Cert TESOL)

        *   至少具备1年的英语语言教学经验

        *   所有申请人都将接受面试,并完成一份书面任务。


        Delta 包括三个模块,可一并完成或单独完成,顺序和时间不限。课程大纲包括:





        General Plan IH Shanghai(CN275)作为剑桥大学英语考评部在中国唯一授权的Delta Module2课程中心,首次面向准备晋升更高级职位或有意提高知识和技能的有经验教师开课。

        2018年10月,Delta Module2课程启动招生,所有申请人都必须经过申请、笔试、面试和限时写作环节的严格筛选,最终4名英语教师脱颖而出,获得了参加培训的资格,并于2019年3月4日齐聚General Plan IH Shanghai,开启了为期6周的培训。

        Delta Module2培训期间,学员需要完成6次Teaching Practices(TPs);1份Professional Development Assignment (PDA):包含Reflection & Action (R&A)Assignment 和Experimental Practice(EP)Assignment,以及4份Language Systems/Skills Assignments(LSAs):包含4份Background Essays(BEs)和4份Lesson Plans(LPs)。Delta Module2课程的测评是过程性的,学员的最终评分取决于书面作业、课程规划和教学实践测评。


        “剑桥体系培训带给老师的影响是颠覆性的。它能够从科学的角度去分析二语教学背后的原理,强调课堂实践如何真正让学生受益。而Delta作为其高阶课程,通过理论与实际相结合的方式,更有深度地培养老师的课程设计、呈现以及反思能力。即使作为一个教学多年的成熟老师,Delta对我来说同样是受益匪浅,大开眼界,也让我明白了experienced teacher和expert teacher的差别。”

Andy Chen,上海

        ‘You might be regretful after the start of the course due to its intensity. However, you might be more regretful if you never do it. DELTA is definitely something worth doing in one’s life. Once is forever.’

Cherish Lee,北京

        “这40天是生命中最难熬,却最有价值的时光。遇见最顶级最严格的培训师Simon和Chris,才明白英语教学可以如此灵活,高效和严谨。谢谢我的战友,不记得有多少个深夜一起从GP走回酒店,路上讨论着BE 和LP。这段经历不会让人更骄傲,只会觉得还有那么多的书需要慢慢读,那么多技能要去学习和尝试,还有很长的路要继续慢慢走。”

Victoria Zhao,长春

        ‘I didn’t expect Delta to be so intensive, but it was, in a good way. I learned so much from my tutors, Chris and Simon. Their teaching knowledge, their passion and everything inspired me to study harder to be the top teacher. There were so many books to be read, so many TP to be practiced, so many lesson plans to be prepared and so many essays to be worked on. After this course, I know better how to be a qualified teacher: always put the students’ need in the first place. Thank you, General Plan IH Shanghai, for giving me the opportunity to learn from the top teachers in the world. I should continue my teaching pursuit, always remember: stay humble, stay hungry.’

Kate Zhao,青岛

        在为期6周的培训过程中,不仅是学员教师接受了Delta课程的洗礼,参与Delta Teaching Practice的学生亦是如此。轻松有趣的学习环境与沉浸式的全英教学,让不同背景,但志同道合的小伙伴们,在全球顶级剑桥认证培训师和博学幽默的学员教师们的带领下,再次找回他们对英语语言学习的热爱!

        “过去几周作为Delta TP学生,我接触到了循序渐进、生动并且非常注重实践的教学方法,学习到了很多实用的英语知识点。另外,全程英文教学,也为我们创造了英语交流环境,有助于培养语言习惯。不得不提的是,4位各有特点的学员教师,都非常好相处,语言功底excellent,总是让我忍不住想,如果我的英语能够如此优秀就好了。总体来说,这几周的学习让我受益匪浅。遗憾的是,因为时间问题,有些课程没能参加,如果下次再有这样的学习机会,我想我会尽可能全程参加。”

Rebecca Cao, 上海

        ‘According to me, this is the best institute for English language coaching. The best thing about this institute is that the teachers who trained me for the course was very friendly and co-operative in nature and has provided me the best knowledge. Moreover, being the closest center I did not face any problem to attend my classes which General Plan IH Shanghai had provided me during my busy schedule. To sum up, I did not have much time, but General Plan IH Shanghai helped me with such an excellent roster and maximization of classes to complete the whole syllabus of the course and for sure this is the best institute I have ever come across. The very experience of English language learning was great. Teachers were always full of advice and ready to help. The way of teaching was methodical and systematic. The practices were of great help. The study material in the library was much updated and worth practicing. Over all it was a great experience at General Plan IH Shanghai.’ 

Ankush Thakur,上海

        超级赞的一次学习体验:1. 授课教师专业水平很高,经验丰富,每节课堂生动有趣;2. 回顾了英语语法知识,领会了一些实用的教学方法与技巧;3. 口语水平也得到了极大地提升;4. 培训机构环境舒适,负责人员热情友好,认真负责;期待有更多的机会参加该类培训。

Bella Lu,上海